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What Social Media Tasks Should You Automate and What Needs a Personal Touch?

An animated loud speaker with light bulb, youtube logo and a phone and a pen in a pink background

Social media is your gateway to connecting with people online. It's an incredible platform, but as a marketer, it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with everything—from algorithms and engagement metrics to managing posts and more.

The good news is, you can automate some of these tasks to make your life easier. But here's the catch: some things still need that personal touch.

Now, you must be wondering: well, what should I personalize, and what can I automate?

We have the answers you're looking for, right here.

Things You Can Automate

Scheduling Posts

A woman writing on her calendar with a cup of coffee beside her

Automating your social media scheduling will save you A LOT of time and effort! 

Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow you to plan and publish posts at optimal times without needing to do it manually each day. 

Now, you can set aside a few hours once a week or month to create and schedule all your content in advance. 

Yes, this means you don’t have to continue posting while you’re on vacation, giving you peace of mind to enjoy your time instead of worrying about missing a post.

Another big perk of scheduling posts is maintaining a regular posting schedule. Consistency is key in social media; it helps build engagement with your audience as they know when to expect a new post. 

With these scheduling tools, you can avoid those dreaded gaps in your content calendar that can lead to a drop in engagement and followers. 

Plus, these tools often offer details into the best times to post based on when your audience is most active, meaning your posts are more likely to be seen and interacted with.

Automated Responses

A man smiling at his phone

Automating responses on your social media platforms can be a real lifesaver, especially when it comes to handling basic customer inquiries and frequently asked questions. 

Think about how often you get the same questions over and over again—things like store hours, return policies, or product availability. Chatbots can take care of these routine questions for you, providing immediate answers without you having to lift a finger.

We love automated responses as they ensure your customers receive timely and accurate information 24/7. No one wants to wait hours, or even days, for a simple answer so an immediate interaction like this will 100% boost customer satisfaction.

Okay, maybe not 100% but significantly.

Analytics and Reporting

Imagine no longer needing to manually sift through endless streams of data to understand how your posts are performing. 

Google Analytics and native analytics from platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide comprehensive details into metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and content reach, all without you having to lift a finger. 

With automated reports, you get a clear picture of what's working and what's not, making it easier to tweak your strategies.

The biggest benefit here I would say is the time saved. You know what they say 'Time is money'.

Instead of spending hours compiling and analyzing data, you can quickly access the information you need and work on next steps.

Plus, this way you're making decisions based off solid evidence rather than guesswork.

Social Listening

A person holding up their phone with all social media platform icons on it

With social listening, you can keep track of how people feel about your brand and stay on top of new trends without having to manually search through endless posts and articles. Again, time is money.

When someone is praising your latest product or raising a concern, you’ll be notified immediately, allowing you to respond promptly. 

The reason why this is necessary is because real-time awareness helps maintain an overall positive brand image.

Moreover, social listening can help you spot potential problems before they blow up. If there's a sudden increase in negative mentions or a recurring complaint, you can address the issue quickly and prevent any damage to your brand's reputation. 

On the other hand, if there's a surge of positive feedback or a trending topic that fits your brand, you can jump on the opportunity to engage with your audience and boost your visibility!

Things You Should Personalise

Engaging with Followers

Engaging with your followers is truly one of the best parts of social media. When brands take the time to reply to comments, messages, and mentions with friendly, witty responses, it shows your audience that they’re actually being noticed. 

Engagements like these are what people love. It’s what sets you apart from the rest.

Think about how great it feels when a brand you love replies to you directly. It makes you feel important right? Well, kind of. But, you get the point.

A personal touch can really solidify relationships with your audience. When you take the time to interact with your followers, you’re showing that there’s a real person behind the brand who cares about their opinions and experiences. 

Plus, personal engagement can boost your overall social media page indirectly. When followers see that you’re active and responsive, they’re more likely to comment on your posts.

In the end, the more you engage with your followers, the more they engage with you, creating an overall positive cycle.

Handling Complaints and Sensitive Issues

A man in a brown coat screaming into a white cable phone

When it comes to handling complaints and sensitive issues, personal touch is absolutely essential. Automated responses can feel cold and impersonal, which is the last thing you want in delicate situations like these. 

People want to feel heard and understood, especially when they're upset or concerned. That’s why it’s so important to address these issues personally.

Imagine if you were facing an issue and got a robotic reply—it wouldn’t feel great, right? 

"Thank you for reaching out. Your feedback is important to us. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please refer to our FAQ page for assistance."

A response like this is only going to annoy them further because it doesn’t directly address the customer’s specific problem or show understanding of their situation. They probably would have read the FAQ page and reached out for a reason, especially if their issue is a little complicated.

Hence, it's important to incorporate a personal touch in these situations.

Creating Unique Content

When working on content for your brand, it's important to let your own voice and personality shine through. While tools can help with organizing and planning posts, they can't capture what makes your brand unique. 

Your brand's personality is what makes you stand out from others and helps you connect better with your audience.

Creating original content takes more time and work, but it's worth it. It shows there are real people behind the brand. 

See, if you were busy working on reporting or social listening, you probably wouldn't have time for this. Which is why it's so important divide your time properly and only investing it in things that truly makes a difference.

Strategic Planning

A man in white shirt checking his socials on his phone

Speaking of things that truly makes a difference, strategic planning is an absolute must. Social media strategy is like mapping out a journey for your brand’s growth.

Most people assume social media works just by posting here and there. That's not how it works. It's about creating a plan that fits exactly what your brand stands for and who your audience is. 

Meaning, you’d have to dig into data to understand what your customers like, what your competitors are up to, and find multiple ways to engage with your followers.

Think of it like planning a road trip. You wouldn't just hit the road without a map or GPS, right? You need a plan to reach your destination.

A personalized social media strategy works the same way—it guides every post and campaign towards your business goals. Whether you're aiming to boost sales, build your brand, or keep customers coming back, a strategy helps you stay on course.

Final Words

Managing social media as a marketer can feel like walking a tightrope between using tools to save time and adding a personal touch to connect with your audience. Knowing when to automate tasks and when to engage directly is important for building a strong brand.

So, find your rhythm, adapt as necessary, and watch your brand thrive!


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