What Should You Look for in a Landing Page Builder?
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What Should You Look for in a Landing Page Builder?

In the digital world, first impressions matter more than ever, and for many businesses, that first impression is often a landing page. 

A landing page is a web page created just for a marketing or advertising campaign. It's where visitors "land" after clicking on a link from an email, ad, or social media post. 

The goal of a landing page is to drive visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource.

Nailing your landing page is important because it can make or break your chances of turning visitors into customers. A great landing page can boost your business, while a poorly designed one can drive customers away. 

I remember once landing on a page where I just couldn’t understand how to navigate it. Everything was everywhere, and it was so slow to load. I got frustrated and left without doing what I came there for.

Having a landing page like that is a missed opportunity. With that being said, creating an awesome landing page doesn’t have to be hard—this is where landing page builders come in.

Yes, you read that right! You can now create eye-catching, effective landing pages without needing to know any coding or design skills.

But, with so many options out there, it can be tough to know which one to choose. In this article, we’ll go over what to look for in a landing page builder to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Now, Let’s Get to What You Need to Look For in a Landing Page Builder

The best landing page builders are simple to use and packed with useful features. This way, you can focus on your marketing goals without getting bogged down by complicated processes.

Here are some key things to look for when choosing a landing page builder:

Easy To Use

Ease of use is key. You don’t want to spend a good chunk of your day learning to navigate the builder.

Go for tools with drag-and-drop interfaces that let you create and customize pages quickly. The less time you spend trying to figure out how to use the builder, the more time you can focus on your campaigns. 


Customization and templates are super important. A solid landing page builder should provide a variety of high-quality templates that look great and meet your needs. 

These templates should be easy to tweak, so you can add your branding and adjust the content without having to start from scratch each time.


Integrations are non-negotiable. A good landing page builder should easily connect with other tools you use for your marketing. 

Whether it's your customer relationship management (CRM) system, email marketing software, or analytics tools, having these integrations makes your landing pages much more powerful and efficient. 

A seamless connectivity like this helps you track and manage your campaigns better, giving you a complete picture of your landing pages’ performance.

Accessible Analytics

Look for a builder that has built-in analytics or can easily connect to tools like Google Analytics 4. 

For instance, imagine using a builder that shows you where people click most on your page—like which buttons or links get the most attention. Wouldn’t this make optimisations so much easier?

Also, having A/B testing is great because you can try out different versions of your page to see which one gets more results. 

You could maybe test two versions of your page—one with a bright headline and another with a subtle one—to see which grabs more interest and gets more people to take action.

SEO and Mobile Optimization

Your page needs to be easy to find and use and you need to pick a landing page builder that makes sure of that.

They need to have built-in SEO tools to help your pages rank higher in search engine results. It should also automatically optimize your page for mobile devices, so it not only looks great but works well on phones and tablets. 

In fact, according to Exploding Topics, over 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. That’s like more than half!

When you optimize your landing pages to fit any screen, it makes the whole process easier for you and helps your campaigns reach more people effectively.

Custom Domains and Automation

Using a custom domain instead of a generic subdomain makes your brand look more professional and credible. For example, having a landing page with "yourcompany.com" looks much better than "yourcompany.landingpagebuilder.com." Good landing page builders let you connect your custom domains easily.

They also support conversion funnels, which are sequences of pages that guide visitors from their first visit to making a purchase or signing up. Which in return, creates a smooth customer journey.

Plus, built-in automation tools can work with your custom domains to automate follow-ups and personalize interactions based on what visitors do on your site. This makes it easier to nurture leads and then boost conversion rates.

Final Words

As you can see, one needs to choose the right landing page builder to create high-converting landing pages. 

Remember, the goal is to make the process as seamless as possible, allowing you to focus on what really matters: optimizing your campaigns and growing your business. 

With the right landing page builder, you too can create professional, user-friendly landing pages that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. Happy building!


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