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Keywords vs. Search Terms: This One Insight Could Save You Money

Let’s talk about something that might seem simple but often gets overlooked: the difference between keywords and search terms. If you’ve been running ads for a while, you know how important keywords are to get the right audience. 

But are you really paying attention to search terms and how they affect your ad spend?

Here’s the thing — keywords are what you think people will search for, while search terms are what they actually type into the search bar. It’s a small difference, but it’s one that can save you a lot of money if you understand how to make it work in your favor.

How This Impacts Your Ad Strategy

Think of keywords as the building blocks of your campaigns. They’re the words and phrases you bid on, hoping people will use them to find what you’re selling. 

But search terms are the actual words and phrases people type into Google (or any search engine) when they’re looking for something. Your keywords trigger your ads, but your search terms show you what’s really driving traffic.

If you’re not paying close attention to those search terms, you could be spending a ton on keywords that aren’t doing the heavy lifting. And nobody wants to waste money on clicks that don’t convert.

Why Search Terms Matter More Than You Think

Search terms show you exactly what people are looking for and how they’re phrasing it. 

Often, they’re not using the exact words you expected when you set up your keywords. Those little differences can really change how your campaign performs.

Let’s say you’re selling eco-friendly products. You’ve set up keywords like “sustainable products” or “green home goods.” 

But when you dig into your search terms, you notice people are searching for things like “biodegradable kitchen tools” or “plastic-free cleaning supplies.” Those aren’t exactly the keywords you planned for, but now that you know, you can adjust your strategy.

When you optimize around those real-world search terms, you’re not just throwing money at general keywords. You’re focusing on what people are actually interested in — which can lower your cost-per-click (CPC) and boost your conversion rates.

How To Use Search Terms To Your Advantage

Okay, so you’re sold on the idea that search terms are in fact important. But how do you turn them into a money-saving insight? 

Here are a few tips:

Constantly check your search terms report. Make it a habit to review which terms are triggering your ads. You might find a few that are irrelevant or bringing in clicks without conversions. Add those as negative keywords to avoid wasting ad spend.

Adjust your keyword list based on search terms. If you notice certain search terms are consistently performing well, incorporate them into your keyword strategy. You might also find that some keywords aren’t pulling their weight, and it’s time to switch them out for more effective ones.

Look for patterns. Over time, search terms can show you trends in how people are searching for your product or service. Noticing patterns in search terms helps you shape how you communicate with your audience, and it can even spark new ideas for campaigns you hadn’t thought of before.

Try using exact match for search terms that are working really well. When you do this, your ad will only appear when someone types in that specific term, helping you avoid spending on clicks that aren’t as relevant. It’s a simple trick that can really stretch your budget.

Final Words

Focusing on search terms puts you in sync with what people are actually searching for, helping you stop guessing and start making better decisions. It cuts down on wasted spending, sharpens your targeting, and gets you in front of people who are ready to convert.

This isn’t about reinventing the wheel; it’s about building on what’s already working. So next time you review your campaigns, take a closer look at those search terms. You might learn something small that could make a big difference.

So, which matters more — keywords or search terms? If saving money is the goal, search terms win every time.


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